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College Groups and Lists for Instagram – New Feature

Instagram College Groups 2018

Instagram is trying to go back to the roots of its parent company, Facebook.
Whether or not you were on the famed platform from the beginning as a college student, you most likely know it started as a social platform for college students.

Instagram College Group Lists 2018

Facebook was mainly only open to college students only. You needed to have a .edu college email address in order to even sign up for a profile.

Instagram will soon be introducing college community groups.

According to a CNBC report Instagram is testing a college community feature which would allow students to find one another through class-based lists.

If a user decides to join a college group to connect with other students, they would then opt into having their content shared to the list of other students. Public insta-stories would be viewable directly from the college community lists.

It looks like Instagram still has some bugs to work out as a CNBC reporter was able to join a college list even though they weren’t a current student but a graduate.

Keep watching for the full rollout of college group lists.
